Sunday, February 28, 2016

Around California

We came here for work. I managed to somehow steal some snaps along the way especially outside work. I tend to forget my photographic side when at the office due to immense tasks we tackle day in and day out. This album has some shots I have taken outside the office, during the weekend before work, or on some nights after working.

Light Through The Clouds

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Last Leg: LAX to SFO

At last we're back in USA. But we can't settle down just yet. We're not where we want to be. We landed in LAX (LA International Airport) and gone through customs. Predictably, I don't have pictures of those. Folks are pretty paranoid about it for "security reasons". Personally I like SFO better than LAX. Need to have a short break first. And lunch as well. After that, we hit the flight to where we want to be: SFO (San Francisco International Airport). It takes us the better part of the day.
Please excuse the captions, they take a bit of time to load. You can view the complete slide show at the end of the entry.

Filling Station

Monday, February 8, 2016

2016 Flight To USA

I left my heart in San Francisco. Now I'm coming back... To leave other parts of me on other places I guess. Yes this is my first big adventure for some time. Make no mistake, this journey is for work. But I still enjoy being in a foreign and friendlier country. This album shows the beginning of my big journey. On a side note, I changed the settings in Flickr to ensure it shows the comments. Try clicking on the images if they don't show up upon loading.

Looking Forward

On this entry I'll be geeking out. A lot. Growing up I've been a fan of airplanes, and aviation in general. So yes, I know my Boeing 747 from my Airbus A380 and I can tell apart the A320 from the 737. Please excuse the geek.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Little Tokyo Afternoon

It was a quiet Sunday in December and I met up with a friend for lunch. It doesn't look like much but this turns out to be a really interesting place. This is as Japanese as it gets. If I wanted any more I'd have to go to Japan. I also had great desserts and coffee later in the afternoon too.

Little Tokyo