Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Update I Almost Never Got Around To Doing

Three Generations, From Two Families, In One Picture. Find the third generation.
Call me Tito. I've had nieces and nephews from my cousins, but it hasn't really sunk in until it comes from your a sibling. I'm an uncle now in our immediate family now. So I can't say I'm a monkey's uncle anymore because that would insinuate my niece to be the monkey. She's all adorable but I can't share pictures of her yet...

Friday, April 19, 2019

My Quick Summer Jaunt

It has been a fairly busy year for me. This year, 2019 may promise to be among the busier ones...  We're expecting an upcoming happy occasion in the family, and this led me to an errand across the street...

This gate leads to my destination.

Okay, not really. It required me to travel to the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018... A Year In Analog

It didn't feel too long ago that 2018 was starting. Lots have happened, both changes that were unavoidable or otherwise. And the next thing I know, here we are, capping off the year. It was only a matter of perspective, that set it apart from being a good or a bad year.

Top: Minolta Alpha 303si, Canonet QL17, Nikon F-801; Bottom: Minolta SR1, Canonet QL19, Lomo 135BC. Yeah, when you're not counting, it becomes more than a handful before you know it. This addiction is beginning to get out of hand.

Just like that, 2018 has ended... Another year done. What I found different with this, is the fact that throughout the whole year, I've mostly been shooting with film. By mostly, I'd guess-timate it to be around 95% minimum... It doesn't seem like it's  lost its novelty to me either. So what is it like?