Saturday, June 25, 2016

Strolling Around BGC

Pictures from last year (2015), given different post processing treatments. These were either from weekends when I was on call, all while having bad Internet connection, or on idle weekends when I felt like taking afternoon and evening strolls. Yes, I don't really wander too far at times, but I still wander here and there. Don't be shy to say hi if you find me.

Teriyaki Boy

Don't forget to let the captions load. Those may take a while on slow Internet connections.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ola Taal Vista!

It was my cousin's wedding. My family and I had the opportunity to go to Tagaytay. It's been over a year since I've gone to the place and I somewhat missed the scenic view. Driving there was a bit challenging for me and the car. Mostly for the car, traveling uphill while carrying three overweight adults and their bags. 

The Hotel

We arrived at the hotel the day before the wedding, with all our fancy clothes in tow. But no, this isn't about the wedding. This is about the interesting place I've found with a lovely view.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Grainy And Gritty

Maybe it's some petty fear of missing out, but despite the appeal of black and white, I still take pictures in color. Black and white, however, appeals to me enough for me to bother converting and tweaking in post.

Mall Skylight

I had the chance to have lunch with family, and had the chance to bring along my Penny mounted with this amazing yet relatively cheap bodycap lens. It's fairly ideal for going light, and for taking monochromes. I always had a soft spot for monochromes, I got to indulge in it on this set.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Burgers And Brewskies Night

It has been a stressful past few weeks for me. Work and other stuff have been piling up left and right, I hardly have fun on weekends anymore and I'm beginning to become a recluse. A college buddy of mine expressed having similar woes, and so we decided to unwind a bit over some cold drinks. It's been a while since we hung out - It's a routine overdue of another iteration. Come to think of it, I think we've been doing this for a decade already. This post will be of food. Bon apetit!

Just One Drink

Saturday, May 7, 2016

More Baritas

This would be the sequel I think. The previous set can be found here. I love drinking decent coffee so much that I made friends with quite a number of these warm, hard working and patient folks. Being a Barista is a bit of both mastery of coffee and good public relations I think. Mind you it can get stressful. Especially on days when customers like me tend to get extra annoying. The next time you enjoy your cup of coffee, spare a thought for these hardworking yet still cheerful folks. 

What's My Favorite Drink?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Momoy After Grooming

A photo posted by Rowe Lee (@lostwanderingdrifter) on

Before his haircut, he looked a little different. More of it here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Unwinding Back Home

Not too long ago, I had the chance to take a short vacation and spent some time back home at Bacolod City. Then again it was really due to some errands. I got to spend the weekend with the family though, so it wasn't too bad despite the nasty humidity and heat that makes one feel like being baked when stepping out of air conditioned rooms. Not too many photos though. Terrible heat and some creeping sick feeling means not too much action. I still managed to take some random pictures though.

First Meal Back Home

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Way Back - Narita Layover

While Nashville was fun, warm and welcoming, we inevitably had to leave. On one chilly Friday morning, we met up at the hotel lobby and embarked on our journey back to Manila. We flew to Atlanta, and almost missed our flight to Japan. The flight to Japan has been long and unforgiving. We've had some respite when we touched down in Narita. From there, we had some time to unwind a bit before our flight to Manila. I thought it'd be an opportunity to look around the airport.

Vending Machines

Monday, April 4, 2016

Dinner With Office Folks

While we didn't have exactly the time to go wander around Nashville during working days, on our last two nights before flying back we got treated to some awesome eats by one our bosses there. It was actually amazing each night. On the first night we went to this Bar/Restaurant/Brewery called Fat Bottom. Apart from the awesome food, it had great music. On the following night, I forgot to take note the name of the other restaurant. It was a fine dining place, and food was great too.

I did mention previously that we were going home.  But our visit here wasn't going to end without any going away gathering.

Going There